Nothing makes my day more than walking into work and being greeted by the aroma of smoldering cigarette butts...why is it that disgusting ashtrays are placed right outside doorways? And that people have to stand right there, in the doorway, on the path, smoking??
I should have a tape recorder in my car in the mornings. I have some great thoughts but by the time the day gets underway, I forgets. This morning I sent myself a text message as a reminder...yeah, geeky I know. So this morning there was a Comcast van tailgating me ( love that so much) and when I was able to pull over and let him pass me, on the back of the truck was one of those "How's my driving? Call 1-800-etc-etc. and get me in trouble" messages. Which got me to wondering, do people ever call? Have YOU ever called? I did once. I don't remember what happened, it was a couple of years ago, and I am lucky if I can remember what I had for breakfast, never mind some random incident like that. So anyway, then I got to thinking, wouldn't it be HILARIOUS to put that message across the back of my car? I mean, it would totally crack me up if I saw that on someone's car...I guess you'd have to have been there (i.e., in my head and trust me, that would be a very SCARY experience).
Not a great knitting week - more like 2 rows knitted, 1 row ripped out. Hoping to get caught up this weekend. I haven't worked on my lace in over a month. I'll probably save it for vacation at this point.
My buddy Lincoln may be looking for a new home...if you haven't already seen it over on Lora's blog...Lincoln my friend, you are in SOOOOO much trouble!! I hope mom can find it in your heart to forgive you, but it's probably going to take some time. You need to be extra nice and extra good or they might send you back to my house!!
Well, that's about all that is happening here...I have to get back to work...I promise a good update really soon!! xo
It's knitting night with the Manchvegas why am I home updating my blog?? Well, I have felt like crap all week. So not like me. It started really on Saturday night. I have some sort of weird stomach thing (I'll spare you the details) that is going around and leaves me feeling nauseous much of the time. Oh, and tired. Oh, and then there were the 3 days when my ribs HURT - like all of them, all the way around my trunk and for no apparent reason. And then there was the headache and extreme exhaustion, in spite of getting more than enough sleep, on Monday. Got up at 6:30, walked the dogs, e-mailed work to say I was working from home, and promptly fell back asleep until 10:20!! SO not me! The good news is it is 10 and I am still awake, which has not been the case lately. It's kinda gotten me in a funk though because I don't feel like doing anything...
Anyway...I miss my knitters. Went over to B&N right after work and stayed til around 7:30, had to get home to the boys. Linc goes home this sad...he is SUCH a great boy!! Lora, we are going to have to work out some visitation here...Rusty is going to be so lonely!! I am considering getting a kitten...Cindi's little sister's cat is expecting...but I'm just not sure I want to do the cat thing again. Mainly because my brother is soooooo allergic and would not be able to come visit, and then there is the litter box. It would have to be an indoor kitty. But I *know* that Rusty would just LOVE to have his own kitty...he adores kittys and when he meets up with them in our travels he just does not understand why they don't want to be friends. There are a couple of kitties in the neighborhood who have made friends with him, it just makes his day when "meow meow kitty" says hi. We shall see...
On the knitting front...OY! Well, the tiger socks are done, and if I do say so myself they came out great! I gave them to Wendy and she loves them! I picked up some Tofutsies at The Yarn Sellar on my way to Ogunquit Saturday (had a BLAST there) and have started a Jaywalker (photo above) for me! The baby sweater is coming along, but I haven't worked on the shawl for weeks. I guess I will get back to it on vacation in August (if that still happens, long story, stay tuned!)
Rusty is doing good - no more seizures. He had a hair cut recently. Before and After:
I am looking forward to some more beach time soon...I am out of sorts, mainly because physically I am not feeling well, but also I am feeling irritated by things and need to take some time out. I realize that this is a familiar place I often get to and also have recently learned that it happens because I need more time to myself than I realize! Who knew?
I adore Jonathan Papelbon. His focus just inspires me. The Sox were doing good for a while, but ended up losing. It's still good watching Jonathan close though. I strive to be that focused in my life...on anything, I'll settle for maintaining a focus on just one thing!!
All of these lines across my face Tell you the story of who I am So many stories of where I've been And how I got to where I am...*
This song, the first 4 lines, they never fail to give me the shivers in a good way. I have not had a "perfect" life, and that is just perfect. I am at a place in my life of learning to fall in love with myself and not look for happiness from another person. I am cultivating the happy inside me. A year ago, I was not aware it was even there. My endless search for love, peace, and happiness has finally led me to the place where it's been all along...within me.
What prompted all this reflection is I was kinda blue this morning. Alot of it is PMS, but some of it was just a little too much OPD (Other People's Drama) going on this week. I realize that even though I was able to just say no to it (yay me) I still find it quite irritating and draining. So around 9:30 I pulled my daily Angel card and today's message was Ground Yourself. So, I promptly packed up some knitting and headed down to the backyard with the dogs and now several hours later (nope, it wasn't all knitting time, got a shower in there too and some cleaning) I am feeling peaceful again and grounded.
So if you couldn't already tell from this post thus far...I have decided to open my blog up to more than just my knitting life and share on a more personal level when that feels right. I write alot in my paper journal, but every now and then it feels good to go beyond the superficial a bit.
I wanted to take pics earlier to post also but the camera wasn't I will try and get some pics up tomorrow.
Today I am grateful to the people, places and experiences that have brought me to where I am right now. What are you grateful for?
*WARNING* this is not likely to be a happy post. If you are not in the mood to be bummed out, skip it.
It's so not fair that our pets are with us for such a brief time. I have said good bye to way to many furry children...Misty Kitty, Spook, Oodie, Uunic, Willie, Angel, Pepper, Jasmine, Big Feet, Poof, Erica, Ellen...and today, Matasha. I haven't actually seen her in over a year. She had a good home for herself with a former roomate that I am no longer in touch with. She came to us in December, 1993 - supposedly she was pregnant, it was right before Christmas (12/23/93) and I took her in as a foster from the shelter. Cindi was 5 at the time and named her Matasha. A month went by and she got smaller, so I took her to the vet, he shaved her and said, yah, this cat has been spayed...turns out when she was stressed out she puffs up and looks we kept her. The old roomie e-mailed me like 6 months ago saying that the cat had some bloodowork done and did I want to know if the results were anything to be concerned about. I replied yes, but never heard anything. Today she e-mails me out of the BLUE to say that the cat wasn't doing well and had kidney issues, yada yada yada and she was probably going to have to put her down this afternoon. So, energetically I said goodbye, and her current roomie and friend of mine let me know that yes, it was her time and they buried her in the backyard...I often thought of bringing her here to Manchester to live, but she would have had to be an indoor cat here and I couldn't bear to do that to her, she would have been miserable. So, my last kitty is gone. I feel guilty that I so easily left her behind 4 years ago...oh, to be able to go back and make different choices, but that is another story. Anyway, before that depressing news, today was a good day. I find that I am changing in so many ways, and it's not a bad thing at all! Bye TashiBmeemoomoo...I am so glad you spent today enjoying sunpuddles and will always remember waking up with you wrapped around my head you...
I hang out in New Hampshire
With Rusty (that cute dog)
I knit. I eat. I watch baseball. And I am living life to the fullest and lovin' every moment!
Work takes up so much time!
I love the Red Sox
But I've never knit red socks...