I don't recall ever having been in the vicinity of Fenway Park in the winter. I'm sure there must have been trips to Lansdowne St. - to places like 15 Landsdowne St and Spit back in the early 80s, but I'm pretty sure I wasn't paying attention to the silent church of all that is Red Sox across the street. No, I'm pretty sure my focus was on those important things like guys (gasp, yes, there was a time I was all about them) and would we meet any good ones at either establishment.
I digress.
Today I wandered over to Kenmore Square, after depositing the offspring back at school. It really is a matter of 5 minutes or so drive to Fenway from there, when there is no traffic. I was on a mission. I am taking part in a Red Sox Traveling Scarf over on Ravelry. What that means is that a group of us each cast on and start knitting a scarf in any manner we like (there are some guidelines) and then every couple of weeks we mail the scarf in progress to the next person. After it is knitted on by everyone participating, the scarf you started comes back to you, and you are now the proud owner of a good mojo Red Sox scarf that has been a-travelin'. So. The first "scarf" I have received from Christine is the one she will end up with. She lives in Kansas City, but in reality, she is from New England, and a displaced Sox fan (though the Cardinals have Chris Carpenter, from Londonderry, NH, so that at least is something! ). So. I decided that since Christine is not likely to have a chance to bring her scarf to Fenway Park anytime soon, it only seemed right that since I had to go to Cambridge anyway, that her scarf go and visit Fenway!

I pulled over on Lansdowne St. (it was FREEZING) and I see this woman walk by my car, with a camera, and proceed to take pictures. I walked over and asked her if she would mind taking my picture, with the Fenway sign in view, and then I pull out the scarf. She turned out to be a charming British gal. I asked her if she was a Sox fan and she most certainly was!! She graciously took a couple of pics. I walked around a bit, and then back to the car - did I mention how cold it was? I circled around to Yawkey Way and tried to get a pic of the Fenway Park stone entrance, but it was too dark by then. I did get some awesome pics of the Citgo sign though, and these were from inside my car!

It was so weird to be there on the empty streets. I keep picturing a sunny warm afternoon where the sidewalks and streets are just burting with life. Soon...