Monday, January 21, 2008

Blue Eyes...

Plugging away at work here with the iPod on shuffle to drown out the conversations around me and "My Way" came on. I haven't heard that song in years...forgot what a great song it is!!

I bought Cindi a Sinatra cd for Christmas and loaded it onto my iPod. What a great creation. Anyway...back to work...


Lora said...

Love me some Frank!

Sarah said...

I love listening to books on my iPod. Now I can "read" the latest bestsellers and knit at the same time. I don't have to give up one for the other.

Gina House said...

Don't usually listen to Frank, but my Grandma loovvves him. I agree with Sarah, I like listening to books on my ipod while I'm knitting. Works especially well with lace ; )