Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Guest Blogger

Hi it's me, Rusty. My mom said she was playing "hooky" today. I have no idea what kind of game that is, or when she actually played it. But she took my and my sister Sabre to the beach and we had a really fun time and she let me take some pictures!!

The waves were REALLY BIG! Bigger than me! My mom says the beach was eroded and that there were huge piles of sand everywhere. Well, I don't know what that means, but all I can say is that when you are only like 2 feet about the ground, EVERYTHING is huge! That pile of stuff in the sand smelled really good to me and Sabre. Mom says it is "lobz-tah traps".

I stuck my toes in. Chilly!!! Bichons were not meant for this. Where is the hot tub?

Mom stuck her toes in too. Me and Sabre are laffin' at her because a BIG wave came and got her pants wet. She wasn't paying attention. You would have laffed too!

Mom made me take a picture of her toes to prove she really did go in.

We made a new friend. He hung with us for a long time, and he had a leash on...but we couldn't figure out who his people were and hope he is ok...

Hi Mom!!

Mom's trying to dry her pants off in the sun...

We sat on this log for a while and rested.

Happy my mom got to spend fun time with me today!

Sabre is happy too!

Can we go now? How 'bout now?

After the beach, mom had to stop at the store. She bought some roast beef. AND SHE SHARED IT WITH US!!! Me and Sabre snuggled up in the back seat for the ride home, VERY content!!