Friday, January 23, 2009

Checking In

Yeah, yeah...I missed you too. I've thought about you alot, I really have, and I would have all these great things to say, but then life would get busy, or I'd be tired, or want to do other things...I know! You probably don't even come visit anymore do you, because I am never here!

Life's good. No complaints. A pretty good balance of work, fun and leisure. I'm grateful to have a job and I'm not going to complain, even though I could. Been feeling these little nagging thoughts that say "what about doing something for a living that makes a difference in the world?", so I am starting to have that conversation.

Holidays were fun, over so fast! But, that means baseball is coming and I can't wait!! Knitting is still happening, and one of these days I will post some pics.

For now, I will leave you with these, and I promise I'll be around more often!

I wish Rusty could just RELAX!!

Nubble Light, York Maine

Late December Beach Day and yes, my feets went in the water!

Working at home with Zuni's help.


Anonymous said...

Good to hear things are going well with you!

Rusty's just too uptight; dogs and kitties have such trouble relaxing, don't they?

Feet in the water in December is just CRAZY!

Long Ridge Farm said...

Good deal, glad to have you check in with all of us!
Love your animal shots!

Lora said...

Hey there! Good to see you here on your blog. Mine has been neglected some too.
Baseball already?!? We'll never see you at knitting. LOL

Jennie said...

Just looking at that picture makes my feet cold!

And the first one makes me want to rub his tummy!