So, I grab all the neccesary items and proceed to make the Iced Coffee. At which point, the following exchange occurred:
M: It didn't work, did it?
Me: (smiling) Nope
M: Yeah, I saw you come in and state you were going to make Iced Coffee and I figured.
Me: (smiling) Yup!
About 15 minutes later I returned to the Iced Tea machine to see how my Iced Coffee was doing. What I found was a rather light coffee colored pot of water. (insert big sigh here)
OK, I'll go make regular coffee in the regular coffee machine!!!
Yeah. That was a splendid idea. Only, I made the coffee and then promptly forgot about it until about 15 minutes before quittin' time.
So yah, it's been *that* kind of day!
On top of all just seems like there is an awful lot of *stuff* going on in the world this week. People seem to be really wound up and the energy feels really frenzied. That's reason numero uno why I am hiding out tonight. I am just on overload from all that is going on around me. And I don't know what to do about it. People just seem - for lack of a better word - fried, on so many levels. Even tonight, when I was walking Rusty, I was coming up my street and this guy (who I think is a complete and total a**hole) was publicly fighting with his son (who was practically in tears and is 18!) out on his front stoop, dropping the f*bomb every other word (note: I know those of you who know me would say, whoa, but YOU have quite the potty mouth yourself. To you I will say, indeed, that is true, but I don't stand out in public and run my mouth for everyone to hear).
So, I am choosing to stay in tonight, though I will miss you all (but perhaps Friday night in Windham is happening and I will see you then?) 'cuz I just can't deal with the general (chaos) public at the moment. Instead, I am going to make something yummy to eat, play with my doggy and my kitty, and do some knitting.
Oh. Yeah. Knitting. Let's see. This past weekend I worked on the Forest Canopy Shawl. I did 2 rows and realized that I started on Row 1 when I should have started on Row 3. Had to tink those 2 rows and am going to put in a lifeline before I proceed. I may do that tonight. I did finish the second sock that I an knit-testing for Heather. Heather, if you are going to be at Y&F on Friday night, bring the other one and we'll take pictures!! I am itching to start a new project...I am going to force myself to wait until the weekend though. I guess tonight I will work on Thuja (the sock I messed up at work today) and perhaps I will get at least the first one done!