Thursday, November 1, 2007

It's that time again...

Dear Cymbalta - Depression doesn't hurt. It sucks. kthksbye.

Yes folks, it's that time of the year when the official Fall Funk ™ is upon me. It kind of caught me by surprise this year as I was feeling really really good so far this October. Yes, there are fewer hours of daylight. Yes, I have been tired. I just chalked it up to staying up late for baseball games. But then the last couple days there was the not really wanting to be around people thing. And the not really wanting to go to work thing. Oh yeah, and the not wanting to clean the apartment thing. Pretty much just not wanting to do anything and feeling pretty damn irritated about it that I did! That's what got my attention. The irritability (read - bitchiness) I was feeling pretty much non-stop. Oh, except when I was too tired to be bitchy. And being impatient. I suppose it is a good thing to be aware of it though. Normally I am not aware of it until sometime in February, at which point most people in my life want to be rid of me. At least until I can get enough sunshine to make me human again. So I guess it's time to bite the bullet and look into getting one of them there SAD lights.

It's really a startling contrast for me to be feeling like this. Life is good. But the last few weeks it's take alot more effort to get myself to do things and to go places. So this morning I made a list of all the things that need to be done around the house, both large and small, and I will aim to cross one thing off that list every couple of days. I'll also go back to the gym tonight no matter how tired I am feeling. Because the exercise thing really does help with the whole energy thing.

Imagine my delight this morning when I received an e-mail letting me know that if I purchased a certain product my "penis will make more shadow than a tree."


Lora said...

Hum.... I'm concerned about that last bit......

Cheer up!! Please.

Anonymous said...

I keep getting those emails promising to enlarge my penis too; don't ya love them? :)

It is very good that you recognize the signs of SAD and are working to do something about it. Just another reason winter (and fall) sucks!

Gigi said...

My mom gets the same way and she ended up taking a very small dose of meds. She couldn't sit still long enough for the lamp! (Of course now she knits and just might be able to! LOL

Hope you are feeling more yourself soon!